
Interface is a world-leading modular flooring company with a fully integrated collection of carpet tiles and resilient flooring. Our modular system helps customers create interior spaces while positively impacting the people who use them and our planet. Our mission, Climate Take Back™, invites the industry to join us as we commit to running our business in a way that is restorative to the planet.

The Interface AEPA contract (the only carbon neutral flooring contract in the industry where all embodied carbon emissions are offset to zero, 3rd party certified and offered at no additional charge) includes the entire Interface brand product offering, including modular carpet, luxury vinyl tile, rubber flooring, cove base and stair treads.  When you transform schools with Interface flooring, you inspire students, boost productivity, enhance well-being, and create a climate fit for life.

Amy Thomas Sales Support Coordinator: Northern California

Phone: 707.815.3164

Email: [email protected]


Marcia Dedeaux Sales Support Coordinator: Southern California

Phone: 213.215.0853

Email: [email protected]

For this contract, you have the option of sending orders to the vendor directly. Always specify “CalSave pricing” when seeking quotes. Always state “CalSave pricing” on your purchase order. This ensures you of the 1) lowest pricing, 2) audit protection, 3) bid protection, and 4) the coverage and application of bid Terms and Conditions to your agency.

We successfully employ the following purchasing and installation models for our CalSave members.

• Members can purchase Products and Services direct with the manufacturer through our Turn-Key Division, InterfaceSERVICES, Inc.

InterfaceSERVICES, Inc. 106 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 300,

Acworth, GA 30102

T: (800) 909-7757 E: [email protected] F: (770) 966-1127

• Members can purchase Products and Services direct with local dealers. All local dealers that support the Interface brand can access this agreement. Always specify “CalSave AEPA” when seeking quotes and please note on your purchase order.

To see PDF versions of this contract’s terms and conditions, contract signature pages, and proof of publication, click on the links below:

Interface Americas Inc signed agreement

AEPA, CalSave advertisment 2020 bid

Interface 2021 Extension

To get quotes or contract prices based on competitively solicited bid pricing and the MCOE award, contact:

Amy Thomas Sales Support Coordinator: Northern California

Phone: 707.815.3164

Email: [email protected]


Marcia Dedeaux Sales Support Coordinator: Southern California

Phone: 213.215.0853

Email: [email protected]

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