A little history

With more than 20 years of cooperative purchasing experience, CalSave has proven itself as a major channel to savings and efficiency for schools and public agencies in California and neighboring states.

CalSave is sponsored by the Monterey County Office of Education. Launched in November 1999, as C-SMART, CalSave was originally funded by the California Department of Education (CDE) as one of the initiatives under the Department’s Statewide Educational Technology Services (SETS) program.

Eventually, with MCOE as the lead bidding agency, CalSave became a self-sufficient and self-funded cooperative with administrative and technology support from the Epylon Corporation.

Today more than 700 school districts and public agencies use one or more of the MCOE contracts managed by CalSAVE  in any given year.

To stay in touch with CalSAVE, get notice of new contracts, or other contract-related news, sign up using the CalSave subscription form on the right of the screen.

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